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Muslim Population in UK

Islam is fastest growing religion in the world. Nowadays about 2.6 million Muslims are living in United Kingdom with British nationality. You can estimate that, about 20,000 to 25,000 people book Hajj and Umrah Packages from United Kingdom.


Crusades and Jihad:

In the middle ages Islam, Many battles and war have been fought between Muslim Mujahedeen and Christian Crusaders. Series of the battles started in the era of Saladin. He fought many battles against Christian crusaders. During that battles, a few of crusaders were inspired with the Kindness and strong faith of Muslims worriers. Ultimately, they were converted into the Islam. In the middle ages, Islam was spread by the prisoners of crusades those who were converted in Islam. In the era of Saladin, a frank Christian Templar Robert of St. Albans was converted into Islam. In 1187, he led the army of Saladin in the battle of Hattin. Through that crusaders conversion Islam was firstly spread into the Europe and Great Britain.


Ottoman Empire:

Ottoman Empire was established by the Turks of Anatolia. It’s after the 1st Sultan of Empire, Ghazi Osman I. He conquered the castles which was at the border of Byzantine Empire. Turks conquered the main city in the Europe, The Edirne and made it the capital of the Empire. With the spread of that Empire in Europe, Islam was also spread in the Britain. It was the Empire which was spread in about six continents.


World Wars and Sub-continent:

In 1857 AD, Britain army fought against the Mughal Empire of the Subcontinent. They made the all India as their dominion. Indian soldiers took part in the World Wars and some of them were entitled with the Victoria Cross which is the Britain’s highest honor. In 1947, after the partitions of India many Muslim and Hindu soldiers settled in Britain. Their children are spreading Islam in the Europe.  Moreover many more organizations are working for the spread of Islam. Dawat-e-Islami is the bold organization which is spreading the teachings of Holy Prophet PBUH to all over the world. Haji Khalid Attari is the Head of Dawat-e-Islami in United Kingdom. In 1971, West Pakistan was declared as the Bangladesh. Due to the difficulties of the Bangladesh Liberation War, many Muslims migrate from Bangladesh to United Kingdom.


African Muslim Community:

We know that many countries in the Africa are developing countries. Africa includes Morocco, Somalia, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Sudan. These countries have large number of Muslim Population. Thousands of workers from these countries are working United Kingdom to run their home. Some of them got married with a British lady and get nationality of United Kingdom. So in that way they settled there.


Muslims Serving In UK:  

Muslims are serving in United Kingdom in the various fields of Business and life. Arab countries are collaborating in their business since 1960. So, some of that Arabs have British Nationality. According to an estimate, about 2.92% of Parliamentarians belongs to Islam. Mayor of London, Parliamentarian Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, Mo Farah CBE Double gold medalist Olympic Games are the some famous Muslim personalities of the United Kingdom.


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