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Importance of Holy Water

 Zamzam Well is situated 20m east to Holy City of Mecca. Many people drink and most of them also bring Zamzam water with themselves. Zamzam well pumps 11 to 19 litters of Holy water in a second. Many pilgrims book Hajj Umrah Packages to visit holy places and bring Zamzam water for their families. There is unique history of Zamzam well, that’s why its water is sacred according to the Muslims Faith. Zamzam well is governed by the Saudi Government nowadays.

History of Zamzam Well:

About 4000 years ago, when Hazrat Ibrahim A.S was tested by Allah Almighty, to leave his wife Hazrat Hajra A.S and son Hazrat Ismail A.S. Hazrat Ismail A.S was crying due to the thirsty. As a common mother love his son, Hazrat Hajra loved his son very much. She ran between Safa and Marva seven times in the search of water. During that difficult scenario Hazrat Ismail was crying and rubbing his feet on the ground. Allah Almighty generated the fountain from that piece of land. When the water was over flowing, she A.S said in Arabic “Zam Zam” means that “Stop Stop”. After that, the fountain was named Zamzam. About 2400 BC that was re-established by Arabs. Now the holy water is being extracted by modern machinery.

Composition of Holy Water: 

According to the chemistry our body is mainly comprises of Zinc and Calcium. Our Muscles are made of Zinc while our bones are made of Calcium. Some of our friends take pills of calcium. But it is scientifically proved that holy water is rich with Magnesium and Calcium. Its today’s report, But Holy Prophet PBUH know from the beginning. That also reflects the trueness of Islam. 

The second component of Holy water is Magnesium. Some our ancestors take the pills for fatigue. That pills contain magnesium in its composition. Magnesium reduces your depression and fatigue. Ultimately your work capacity will increase. You can do your work quickly. It is scientifically proved that Holy water is free from the all the harmful viruses, bacteria and other diseases. 

This miraculous holy water contains the high levels of fluoride. Mostly, the medicines have that property. This chemical increases the healing power of the medicine. Many researches have been done on that holy water. They have come to know that holy water increases the health of our body cells. 

According to the saying Holy Prophet PBUH that water is best water on the planet earth and nutritious. Moreover it is cure from many diseases. Scientists of the present era are justifying that the holy water have the higher bicarbonates which are more than the normal water. 

Once an Old man went for Umrah there and he got ill. He got a glass of Holy water and recited the surah Al-Fatiha, instead of going to any doctor. He was recovered after few hours. I have listened many miraculous stories from my ancestors. 

Many researches have been done on that sacred water and more researches will be done in the future. All will prove the hadiths of Holy Prophet PBUH related to the Holy water. If we want to make the list of the benefits of the Holy water its last point will never come.

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